About us

Contact persons:
Mario Bajkuša
Maja Šarić
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Forum is a well-recognized civil society organisation active since 1992. It works on harmonising the educational system in Croatia with the educational standards of modern democratic societies, guided by the principles of choice and equal access to education that enables the self-realisation of a person.
Forum’s innovative, high-quality programmes provide support to teachers and schools, children and youth, university lecturers and professionals working with children and youth in the educational and the social welfare systems. The programmes of teaching advancement, civic and health education, skills of non-violent conflict resolution and improvement of school management are designed for those stakeholders.
The goals of Forum’s programmes are achieved through professional training seminars and educational activities, studies and analyses, campaigns and creative competitions, as well as through direct work with teachers and schools. Publishing plays an important role in disseminating best practices by way of compendia and other publications available on the organisation’s web site. Particular attention is paid to the development of high-quality programmes for children and youth so that they can gain knowledge and skills for their participation in societal and democratic processes.

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Faculty of Law in Rijeka is a higher education institution that, with its innovation and critical approach, contributes to science and education in the field of law and other fields of social sciences, as part of the European University of the Future. The goal of the Faculty is to be recognizable in domestic and international circles as a source of excellent, open, sustainable and interconnected research and education in which students, staff and external stakeholders nurture a relationship of cooperation and trust.
As a dynamic and stimulating research environment, the Faculty is increasingly positioning itself in the European research area, attracting a large number of quality international and domestic research, professional or interdisciplinary projects. Through long-term and intensive cooperation with various judicial bodies, public authorities and the private sector, the Faculty contributes to the identification of real problems in society and receives feedback on the needs of the labour market.
The core values of the Faculty in the field of learning and teaching are openness to students, external stakeholders and the entire community in structuring all aspects of studies and international networking both domestically and internationally. Legal education seeks to be made more dynamic in order to be based on scientific research.

Contact person:
Irene Ippolito
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CSC Danilo Dolci is a non-profit organization based in Palermo, Italy. Originally founded by Danilo Dolci, a social activist, sociologist, pacifist and educator, CSC works mainly in the educational sector and has several collaborations with schools, university, institutions, associations and social groups, both at local and international level. CSC work is based on two pillars, development and creativity.

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Pistes-Solidaires is an association that develops its projects and actions according to UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education: learn to know, learn to be, learn to do, learn to live together and with the others.
Our goal is to make possible that each young person may benefit from the unique experience of international educational mobility. Education goes hand in hand with openness to the world and an understanding of local / global interdependencies.
Pistes-Solidaires bases its work on non-formal education methods, particularly those based on experiential learning. We create educational situations to develop social skills, to facilitate living together and to learn to be. Research and innovation are at the heart of this work area.

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INOVA+ is a Portuguese innovation services provider specialized in education and training, research and technological development. Our mission is to provide the knowledge, management capacity, partnerships and technical and financial support needed to ensure successful innovation projects to our customers. With 23+ years’ experience, INOVA+ employs more than 85 consultants based in different locations, works with a wide network of partners, including universities, schools and other education providers; Research Centres, Municipalities and public authorities, etc.
The Research & Innovation department through its Capacity Building Unit relies on a team with solid experience in coordinating and managing EU-funded projects and initiatives to deliver effective, innovative and sustainable solutions for the education and training sector. The Capacity Building Unit provides strategic support to INOVA+ in the field of education and training and assures the capability to respond to challenges at the national and EU level. Our range of competences includes monitoring opportunities, partner search, proposal writing, project management and coordination, research and needs analysis, policy analysis, development of training programmes, materials and contents, design of competence frameworks and profiles, preparation of training courses, networking, evaluation, event planning and organization, quality assurance, communication and dissemination, exploitation and transfer of results.

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The Vilela School Group, formed in 2012, on the 4th of July, with headquarters at the Vilela Basic and Secondary School, is composed, in addition to this, by the S. Marcos Kindergarten, Serrinha Basic School, Escola Rebordosa Elementary School Nº1, Vilela Elementary School, Rebordosa Elementary and Secondary School. The aggregated establishments are located in the parishes of Rebordosa and Vilela, both located in the northwest of the municipality of Paredes.
In terms of polarization of the educational territory, we can define, from a perspective of territorial and urban development, two areas of influence (hinterland) in terms of the provision of the educational service. The first hinterland (Vilela and Rebordosa), classified as urban and showing strong connectivity in terms of demand for this service. In a second hinterland, more discontinuous and with less connectivity, are the parishes of Duas Igrejas, Cristelo, Lordelo and Sobrosa, classified as predominantly urban, except for the last one, which is moderately urban.