The project

Through project results, teaching and learning materials, and tools but, moreover, with the overarching topic of legal literacy, this project promotes active citizenship and student’s sense of initiative. Being an active citizen in a democratic society means that you have civic competences but also means that a young person has to have a certain set of competencies in the field of law.
The project will create materials and training for teachers and students on basic legal literacy specifically designed according to needs of 14 and 18-year olds, that, to the best of our knowledge, do not exist in the EU yet but are essential in raising awareness on the importance of legal literacy and developing competences that every European citizen should have.
Legal literacy Competence Framework
In cooperation with law experts, teachers, and students in order identify legal concepts for these age groups that will be gathered in the CF.
Producing learning materials
Focused on producing teaching and learning materials on legal literacy for teachers and students. By creating these materials there will be a sound presentation of basic legal concepts needed in the daily lives of the target groups.
Implement produced materials in school settings
After selecting schools participating in the project it will get feedback from teachers attending the Teacher Training Program. Through school projects created by students and teachers, a combination of digital tools, textbooks, and testing of MOOC, it will revive preparations for legal literacy on a practical note.
To raise awareness of legal literacy
To raise awareness of legal literacy and project results throughout live and virtual multiplier events in every partner country.
Legal literacy Competence Framework
In cooperation with law experts, teachers, and students in order identify legal concepts for these age groups that will be gathered in the CF.
Producing learning materials
Focused on producing teaching and learning materials on legal literacy for teachers and students. By creating these materials there will be a sound presentation of basic legal concepts needed in the daily lives of the target groups.
Implement produced materials in school settings
After selecting schools participating in the project it will get feedback from teachers attending the Teacher Training Program. Through school projects created by students and teachers, a combination of digital tools, textbooks, and testing of MOOC, it will revive preparations for legal literacy on a practical note.
To raise awareness of legal literacy
To raise awareness of legal literacy and project results throughout live and virtual multiplier events in every partner country.