During the month of May 2024, the CSC staff met teachers and students at school to present and test the training materials developed within the LAW project.
Several meetings were organised at school involving 7 classes with a total of 130 pupils to whom the project and materials (textbook, handbook and platform) were first briefly presented and practical activities taken from the textbook have been implemented in the classroom in order to gather feedback for improvement.
The presentation of educational materials and the implementation of activities were aimed at stimulating the interest and active participation of students. The contents of the planned activities cover a wide range of topics, including the fundamental principles of law, the rights and duties of citizens, the functioning of democratic institutions and the values of civil coexistence, the virtual world, rights at home, at school and in the family. In addition, the materials include practical exercises, case studies and group activities that help consolidate theoretical knowledge through practical application.
For teachers, on the other hand, there are detailed teaching guides, assessment tools and tips for integrating these topics into the school curriculum in an effective and creative way.
The reactions of students and teachers were very positive: they liked the current topics covered, the activities seemed clear and engaging, and the interactive platform once completed will be used individually and/or in the classroom.